Wish Granting spell!!!

SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Wish Granting spell!!!
This spell incantation helps your wishes come to fruition. I highly recommend ya'll start out with one wish or else you'll confuse the spell and yourselves as well. This spell isn't truly mine it's from my two well known sorcerers magnolia and ash, so you can thank them.

Casting Instructions for 'Wish Granting spell!!!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Just thy voice.
  • Your minds eye and the abilities to visualize.
  • And believing is the key towards everything and all.
  • And believe you've already received your wishes how does your heart feel visualize yourself in a world where your wishes have already come to fruition for nothing's impossible!
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Just thy voice.
  • Your minds eye and the abilities to visualize.
  • And believing is the key towards everything and all.
  • And believe you've already received your wishes how does your heart feel visualize yourself in a world where your wishes have already come to fruition for nothing's impossible!

See the powers of my magic, grant this wish I hold up to you. It's the wish that shall circle the realms and return fulfilled, (say your wish three times). I’ll hold you to this wish that it be granted!


Added to on Mar 14, 2021
Last edited on Mar 29, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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