lose weight for a little bit (does not mess with will)

SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► lose weight for a little bit (does not mess with will)
this makes you lose weight for a bit and puts you back.

Casting Instructions for 'lose weight for a little bit (does not mess with will)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing


"Weight Loss" 

Then say, "ACTIVATE." 


Then it makes you lose weight for a little while but puts you back like until you are really really skinny. 

If you are already skinny wont work but you can see it a little. After you have had enough puts you back to normal. 


rainforest magic from Mexico but if you are not cool with Mexico wont work, backfires and simply does not do anything.


But if you want to lose weight and keep off the pounds, forever, use this spell instead, but takes long


Then say "ACTIVATE"

And it will keep you skinny forever, changes like exercise habits and eating habits forever. If not you end up gay because messes with will. Other spell is to know this is a good spell, the weight loss 2.


Again Mexican rainforest magic so only pro Mexico people can use it or it does not work. 


Added to on Jun 21, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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