Aphrodite's Will

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Aphrodite's Will
This is a basic spell I made in a dream. What it does is it invokes aphrodite and her helpers to mend or start a relationship.

Casting Instructions for 'Aphrodite's Will'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 bowl of hot water
  • Few jellitan cubes
  • Flower petals (roses if possable)
  • 5 drops of blood (I prefer to use red food die because aphrodite dosn't like bloodshed)
  • 1 head hair ( this hair does not mean the person will fall for you)
  • There is a variation of this spell that instead of jellifying you freeze the mix in that case miss out jellitan cubes.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 bowl of hot water
  • Few jellitan cubes
  • Flower petals (roses if possable)
  • 5 drops of blood (I prefer to use red food die because aphrodite dosn't like bloodshed)
  • 1 head hair ( this hair does not mean the person will fall for you)
  • There is a variation of this spell that instead of jellifying you freeze the mix in that case miss out jellitan cubes.

These instructions are for the jelly version.

Take the water and place the petals in it try to get some colour of them.

Put in the jellitan cubes and let them dissolve. Mix now for the blood (food die) visulize the 2 people you are bringing together.

When puting in the drops say the incantation:


"May aphrodite influence your every thought
may eros's arrow find you."


Add the hair then place in the fridge to set.

Keep in the fridge for as long as you want aphrodite's help
melt to break the spell.

In the variation skip jelly cubes and put in the freezer instead of fridge.


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Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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