Debt Banishing

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Debt Banishing
To remove most of your debts.

Casting Instructions for 'Debt Banishing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Rolled parchment
  • One black pen
  • One purple candle
  • Oil of your choice
  • Incense of your choice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Rolled parchment
  • One black pen
  • One purple candle
  • Oil of your choice
  • Incense of your choice

Cleanse and consecrate all supplies with the four elements(earth, air, fire, and water).

List all your debts on the parchment. Draw a banishing pentacle on the back of the parchment.Carve a banishing pentacle on the candle. Place the rolled parchment in the candle holder then tighten the candle ontop.

Think of banishing your debts. Think of the feeling of happiness and relief when the debts are banished. Light the candle.Take the candle to the East quarter and ask that the Sylphs send your message of debt-banishment out to the universe in a safe and protective way, and ask that prosperity return to you in the same manner.

Put the candle back on the altar and, in your own words, ask Juno to banish the debt and replace with prosperous energy. Allow the candle to burn completely. The paper will catch fire, so watch what type of holder you are using (glass will break) and that the candle holder is on a fire-safe surface.

As the candle burns, concentrate on banishing your debts,your feelings of relief and happiness, and the coming prosperity.


Added to on Nov 12, 2011
Last edited on Oct 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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