Protection Ring Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Protection Ring Spell
A spell to charge a ring with protection of the wearer. Any questions, go ahead and mail me.

Casting Instructions for 'Protection Ring Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Waning Moon
  • Hematite Rings Or Any Ring
  • Dirt
  • Needle or Bobby Pin
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Cauldron (optional, but recommended)
  • Matches (preferably)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Waning Moon
  • Hematite Rings Or Any Ring
  • Dirt
  • Needle or Bobby Pin
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Cauldron (optional, but recommended)
  • Matches (preferably)
Take off your shoes and socks and stomp and rub your feet in dirt. Then take 1 handful of the dirt you just stomped in and put t in the cauldron in a pile (if you have no cauldron, put the dirt in a pile over something fireproof).
Write your full name (first, middle last) and birth date (month, day, year) on the paper with the pen. The poke your ring finger hard enough to draw blood. Drop/place three drops of your blood on the paper. Then put it on the pile. Then place the ring on top of the paper. Lite the paper on fire, chanting:
''Skin to skin, blood to blood, bone to bone, sinew to sinew.
I banish all evil from my revenue.''
!* Say 3 to 10 times *!
After chanting look up at the sky and spread your arms wide, like your embracing the night, chanting:
''Great Wise Crone of the Waning Moon,
cloak your sacred shadows around around this ring and charge it with your banishing energies so that (When I or whomever) wear(s) it shall be protected from those
who seek to gain from (my or their) pain!''
!* Chant 3 to 10 times *!
Wait for the fire to extinguish (if still going), then take the ring and put it on the ring finger you pricked.
Throw the ashes and dirt into running water or bury it at the roots of an old tree.

!!**If you no longer want this protection on the ring, search for my other spell 'Spell to Take Protection Away From Ring'**!!


Added to on Nov 09, 2012
Last edited on Sep 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does this actually work because i don't want to make myself bleed if it dosn't work

Jun 05, 2019
If you practice blood Magic it can work, but if you do not wish to work with blood you can create a protection ring without it. A very simple one is to cleanse the ring with salt water if it will not harm the ring, say a protection chant and leave it in the moonlight or on your altar overnight. Blood can personalize the ring to you and add extra energy to the spell, but you do not need to use it.

Dec 07, 2020
I'm rather late here but you can use another bodily fluid, like spit! it works rather well in this spell from the results a friend has gotten. but there are many other ways to enchant jewelry for protectiom

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