Centering Negative Energy

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Centering Negative Energy
Center negative energy and remove it from you and your life.

Casting Instructions for 'Centering Negative Energy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bowl of distilled or boiled water
  • Favorite incense
  • White candle
  • Earth in a bowl
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bowl of distilled or boiled water
  • Favorite incense
  • White candle
  • Earth in a bowl

Cast your Circle. Ground and center yourself then say aloud:
"Here before me I gather the elements of life, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, to aid me in removing all unwanted energies from within. Earth grounds me from harm (rub the earth between your hands). Air blows away any fear (run hands through the smoke of the incense).
Fire burns away all that is no longer needed in my life (quickly run fingers through the candle flame). Water cleanses and heals (place your hands in the bowl of water). With harm to none, I have cleansed my emotions, and filled myself with good intention. So mote it be!"
Take the water and salt outside and empty it near your door and save the candle and incense for later spells of similar need.


Added to on Feb 19, 2016
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This requires an edit. You can call on the elements for a cleansing, and this is a fine start, but you did not cleanse yourself. Are you using the incense? Are you taking an herbal bath? Are you grounding yourself? Are you burning cleansing herbs as you throw petitions into the fire? This is the beginning and conclusion of a spell, it is missing the middle. I would meditate, ground yourself, and visualize the four elements wrapping around you and cleansing away any negative energy within your aura.

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