Mirror Barrier

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Mirror Barrier
Makes a spirit barrier and if stronger magic is add to it can be made physical to caster and psychics

Casting Instructions for 'Mirror Barrier'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Any mirror bigger is better
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Any mirror bigger is better

Depending on where you want it. For front door put mirror facing the door so when you walk in it's the first thing you see. for windows hang it in the center. For your home make a alter with four mirrors and a thing that represent your house (like a home key, pic, ect.)
for you a neckless.




"Oh god and goddess of light reflect all evils might with your light and seal (what your mirror yur doing for) from harm. With your protection bleed be."


Added to on Apr 04, 2016
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This requires an edit, it seems incomplete. If you plan to work with mirrors, you should cleanse and protect them as mirrors can act as portals. If you do not lock these portals, unwanted entities can enter your space. Where you place these mirrors can also call them to you, so research mirror Magik and spells before attempting. Mirrors reflect energy, so placing a mirror facing the front door would reflect positive energy and prevent it from entering your home. Also, creating an altar of your home with four mirrors surrounding it can be a bad thing. You are reflecting the energy back at yourself and intensifying it. Unless you've cleansed your home completely, you might reflect some negative energy and it will grow stronger the longer the mirrors are reflecting the energy back at your home. If you have someone living in your home that you do not get along with or they have an annoying habit, this will be intensified. Negative energy is denser than positive energy, so the negative energy will slowly overpower the positive energy and lead to misfortune. Point is, it is possible to use mirrors to reflect positive energy, to scry, and for protection, among many other spells, but you need to be careful. A very simple protection is to wear a mirror on a necklace or sew onto your clothes as an accessory. Set the intention it will reflect negativity away from you, and it can be used as a protection.

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