Banish Slander

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Banish Slander
To Banish Slander, Libel or False Accusations

Casting Instructions for 'Banish Slander'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:


Gather the following: White paper Red Pen Cloves (powdered or whole) - quite a bit A small bowl Incense stick or oil burner if possible Time of spell Seven Days On a small piece of the white paper with the red pen, right the name of your accuser or libeler BACKWARDS, nine times, in a list format.

Roll up this piece of paper very small and place in the small bowl. (A great way to boost this spell is to tie the paper with a Witches knot.) Tie 3 times a knot and bless it each time in name or the Morrigan If you have powdered cloves, great, if not, crush the cloves with a mortar and pestle, or grind them in your food processor, or coffee grinder you need enough to cover the piece of paper in the bowl completely and have enough to take some out of the bowl each morning and night for seven days without uncovering the paper.

Every morning and evening for seven days, take a pinch of the cloves and burn them, inhaling and watching the smoke while envisioning and meditating on the accusations or libel against you or your loved one also "going up in smoke."

Start your morning this way, end your day this way. (The burning cloves smell great, very relaxing) On the seventh night, burn all of the remaining cloves and the paper with the writing on it. Feel that the libel and slander is done, that no one will believe these false statements and that it has all turned to ashes for the one against you.

When the ashes have cooled, dispose of them in living water, a river, stream, lake, the ocean. If you do not have a source of living water near you, down the drain or toilet works .


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Last edited on Nov 28, 2015
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