Banishing Water/Spray

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Banishing Water/Spray
Sometimes you need to banish those negative energies and bad spirits... this will help.

Casting Instructions for 'Banishing Water/Spray'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 spoons Salt (for purity)
  • 2 spoons Sand/Dirt (for ancient power of Earth)
  • Sprig White Sage (for purification): --Buy any type of sage, and cleanse it with water and salt with your hand to get rid of any ''faiths'' lying in it, so your sage is sage of old, sage of medieval kings, etc.
  • 2/3 cups Holy Water/Consecrated Water (for purity)
  • A dabble/bit of Moon Water (for 'good' high power)
  • Quartz Crystal (for power and protection) or Black Crystal/Stone (for protection)
  • 1 sprig Thyme (holy power)
  • 1 White candle
  • Votive Christ candle - if you use this faith and feel comfortable.
  • 1 Gold candle
  • 1 silver candle
  • 2 leaves Basil (courageousness)
  • Dragon's Blood Oil (protection)
  • Frankincense incense and dust (high magick and protection)
  • Mortar Pestle
  • Bowl
  • Spray bottle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 spoons Salt (for purity)
  • 2 spoons Sand/Dirt (for ancient power of Earth)
  • Sprig White Sage (for purification): --Buy any type of sage, and cleanse it with water and salt with your hand to get rid of any ''faiths'' lying in it, so your sage is sage of old, sage of medieval kings, etc.
  • 2/3 cups Holy Water/Consecrated Water (for purity)
  • A dabble/bit of Moon Water (for 'good' high power)
  • Quartz Crystal (for power and protection) or Black Crystal/Stone (for protection)
  • 1 sprig Thyme (holy power)
  • 1 White candle
  • Votive Christ candle - if you use this faith and feel comfortable.
  • 1 Gold candle
  • 1 silver candle
  • 2 leaves Basil (courageousness)
  • Dragon's Blood Oil (protection)
  • Frankincense incense and dust (high magick and protection)
  • Mortar Pestle
  • Bowl
  • Spray bottle


  1. Light your incense and candles.
  2. Using your mortar and pestle, add the salt for purity and the dirt for ancient Earth.
  3. Add the sage, thyme,  and the basil. Crush them. Add three drops of a white candle, 1 of the votive, While saying "For purity and protection."  Add three drops of the gold candle, while saying  "For powerful sunlight.", and 1 of the silver,  while saying "For the ancient moon."  Now, add incense dust.
  4. Wait for the wax to dry for a second, then begin to crush the objects again until done.
  5. Repeat as you crush, ''I make this potion to banish evil and negativity." Repeat over and over as you stir until you feel complete.
  6. Now pour in the holy water and the dabble of moon water, saying. ''From the holy and the bright-- this potion is cleansing."
  7. Add a few drops of dragon's blood oil saying, ''And dragon's blood for protection''.
  8. Stir the potion now over and over saying, ''By the powers of the ancient and the universe, this water is cleansed so mote it be. By the powers of the ancient and the powers of the gods, you are charged for banishment, so mote it be.''
  9. Thank the energies when you are done stirring, and you potion is complete! Bottle it and spray in any dark areas or on yourself, or use a bowl, keep the water in it (make it frequently to keep fresh) and sprinkle with your hands.


Added to on Dec 14, 2017
Last edited on Aug 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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