Basic Spiritual Banishment

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Basic Spiritual Banishment
This spell is used in a given space to remove a ghost or wayward spirit who has decided they will not leave even after cleansing the space. This spell draws on the power of the void.

Casting Instructions for 'Basic Spiritual Banishment'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Salt
  • Wood Ashe
  • Sanctified Water(Moon Water Works Just Fine)
  • Paint Brush
  • Incense
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Salt
  • Wood Ashe
  • Sanctified Water(Moon Water Works Just Fine)
  • Paint Brush
  • Incense

In a Mortar & Pestle Grind Together Salt and Wood Ashe until fine. As you grind the mixture rotate your arm in a counterclockwise motion and chant this incantation 

"Oh Darkest Of Nights,The Great Abyss Of The World’s nexus, I ask of you to come and claim your wayward Child, A Spirit Off Course Of The Natural Order."

Then Turn And Face The Entity and State With Conviction

"Unbalanced One, No longer Living, Return to the Great Night and leave my Space in peace"

Add in the sanctified Water and begin stirring once again in a counterclockwise motion until you get a slightly watery paste, like that of pancake batter.

Go to Each opening in your home, windows and doors, air conditioning vents, the whole lot , and paint upon it the pentacle of banishment.

While painting use the below incantation

“Child Of The Great Abyss Return To Your Mother In The Night, You Who Lingers In The World Of The Living Are Now Banished From this Dimensional Plane, By The Gods Of Old & New, Begone From this sacred space and may you find peace in the world Beyond”

Say this at every door way and opening and finish off by using incense to bring in calming energy


Added to on Jun 12, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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