Riddance to Rubbish Spell

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Riddance to Rubbish Spell
This spell can be used to get rid of anyone who is bothering you, especially troublesome exes. The best time to cast this spell is on a Saturday.

Casting Instructions for 'Riddance to Rubbish Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A wooden clothes-peg(to make a peg doll)
  • Black pen
  • A small piece of the target's clothing or a picture of the target
  • Some black thread
  • A pin
  • Some black pepper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A wooden clothes-peg(to make a peg doll)
  • Black pen
  • A small piece of the target's clothing or a picture of the target
  • Some black thread
  • A pin
  • Some black pepper
Collect the items together and go to a safe and secluded room in your home. Lay all the items around you. Chant these words:
''This spell I do within my rights to be free, Darken my house no more. Begone (person's name) Begone from me!''
To make the doll, paint the peg with the black ink and then wrap the picture or material around it and tie with the piece of black thread. Sprinkle the doll with pepper, and then pick up the pin and stick it into the peg doll as you read the chant. Bury the doll near the front door of your home. NOTE: This spell sounds a lot like a binding spell. Make sure that you have exhausted all non-magical means before casting. Also, if the person bothering you is violent or dangerous, you should also have contacted your local police and notified them of the situation as well.


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