Yemaya Unblocking

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Yemaya Unblocking
Let Yemaya remove all obstacles and inhibitions from your life.

Casting Instructions for 'Yemaya Unblocking'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue and white candles
  • Seven white roses
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue and white candles
  • Seven white roses

Go to the beach and dig a small hole in the sand. Light the white and blue candles as you make your petition. Enter the water and greet Yemaya in her guise as a mermaid or a beautiful woman rising up from the sea. Offer her seven white roses. Immerse yourself completely in the water, then walk back out without looking behind you. 


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Last edited on Dec 22, 2019
Part of the Divine Spirits Library.


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Translation of: goddess yemaya (from ''yoruba religion''/isese, Yoruba people, place in old times before southwestern ''Nigeria'') [orisha of the ocean, Ocean Mother Goddess] in cuba,brazil,uruguay, middle south america & also called yemoja/yemanja [patron ogon river], in africa

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