Nine Flowers Bath

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Nine Flowers Bath
A nice relaxing bath to cleanse yourself.

Casting Instructions for 'Nine Flowers Bath'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Three white roses
  • Three white carnations
  • Three white lilies
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Three white roses
  • Three white carnations
  • Three white lilies

Place three white roses, three white carnations, and three white lilies in a dish and pour hot water over them. Strain out the liquid, reserving the flowers, and bring then to the bathtub or shower. Scrub from head to foot with one flower at a time until that flower falls apart.

When all nine flowers have been used, get out of the water and air dry. Dress in clean clothes, and don't clean the bathtub immediately. Wait several hours or have someone else do the job.


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Last edited on Jul 14, 2016
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