Banish a Person

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Banish a Person
This will banish someone from your presence.

Casting Instructions for 'Banish a Person'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Say: "To a different place, I now refer. At the look of my face you now deter. Whether day or night, dark or light, I banish you henceforth from my sight".



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Last edited on Apr 05, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work it could be added to a banishing spell/ritual

This requires a edit:use candles and your stuff you usually use for banishing

As tempestas mentioned, this requires an edit because as outlined, it is to simplistic to be effective. As previously mentioned, take a black candle, anoint it with oil and roll it in a mix of banishing herbs. Research herbs which work with banishing and use 3-5 different ones. Do not go overboard with the ingredients. Items have multiple uses. If you do not program them correctly, you could make the energy murky and weaken the spell. Lastly, if you have a picture, hair, or personal item from the person, this could further aid the spell. As for the chant, I am not the biggest fan of the wording, but it should work. Be sure to repeat the chant as you set your intention as it would build the Magikal energy and charge your spell. You can simply chant, but if the chant is to work, you will need to put in all the energy. Items in a spell make casting a little easier for Witches as the items boost the spell. This is not to say you need expensive items, you can get cooking spices and candles from the dollar store and use those.

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