For solitary witches.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Mentioned below...
Casting Instructions for 'Self-Initiation'
Candle Colors
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Ritual Kit

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Ritual Kit
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This ritual must be preformed alone, on a night when the moon is full. If indoors, the room should be clear of distractions. If outdoors, a private location, equally clear of distractions is desired.
For this ritual, it is best to work sky-clad. If this is not practical, then a simple robe or gown would be best.
Set up an altar. This may be a small table or any similar thing. At minimum you will need a small bowl of salt, and a small bowl of water. Some incense in a censer, or incense sticks in a holder. Two altar candles, and candles for the four cardinal points. Set your altar facing North. A pentacle of some form should be placed on the altar, even one just drawn or printed on a sheet of paper will suffice. Light all the candles and the incense. If indoors, turn off the lights.
Preform an opening ritual (Casting a circle). In place of an Athame, use the forefinger of your right hand. When drawing the Circle, do not leave an opening / gateway to the north-east.
Once the circle is prepared, kneel before the altar. At this point, take some time to meditate on the path on which you're about to embark. Use this time for prayer and contemplation, as you prepare to commit yourself to the craft.
When you feel prepared, state the following aloud, while facing towards the altar.
I, [your name] do pledge to learn the ways and secrets of the Craft, to use this knowledge in honesty and truth, and not to cause pain, nor for personal gain.
I, [your name] do pledge to honor the Goddess and the God, and to honor my fellow Witches.
This I do pledge before the Gentle Goddess [Goddess name here], the Powerful God [God name here], in witness thereof, beneath the full moon, before the altar, and within this Circle.
Move to kneel facing the Eastern Watchtower, and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the East, Ye lords of Air, in your presence and as ye witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.
Move to kneel facing the Southern Watchtower, and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Ye lords of Fire, in your witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.
Move to kneel facing the Western Watchtower and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Ye lords of Water, Lords of Death and Initiation, in your presence and as ye witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.
Finally move back to kneel before the altar and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Ye lords of Earth, Boreas, thou guardian of the Northern Portal, thou Powerful God, thou Gentle Goddess, in your presence and as ye witness do I pledge to become a Witch.
Now, using the consecrated water and your fingertip, anoint yourself in the following sequence: Forehead first. Then right hip second. Left shoulder third. Right shoulder fourth. Left hip fifth. Then finally the forehead again.
As you are anointing yourself in this way (essentially creating an Invoking Pentagram upon yourself), speak aloud the following words:
Gentle Goddess [name], Great God [name], before thee in this Circle, I do now call myself, [your name], a Witch, a follower of the Old ways, and a worshipper in Your Names.
If you wish, you may preform a single consecration at this time, of some piece of personal jewellery, to be worn for the next lunar month. Otherwise, no works should be preformed at this time.
After further meditation or prayer, preform the Closing Ritual, again using your forefinger in place of an Athame, and finally blow out the candles. The initiation is ended.
Take time over the next month to further reflect upon the path you have begun, Read the book, and be attentive to the ways of the natural world. Upon the next full moon, you may begin your work as a true Witch, preparing and consecrating any working tools you have made or acquired.
Hope this goes well for you. If you have any questions feel free to message me!!
Blessed be !!
Cherrywood has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Mar 02, 2015
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what if you don't have any gods? do I still have to mention them?
has anyone any tips?
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