Anubis Scrying

SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Anubis Scrying
This spell summons the god Anubis to receive visions and psychic visions.

Casting Instructions for 'Anubis Scrying'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clear glass bowl
  • Water
  • Black ink
  • Myrrh joss incense or oil
  • Statue of anubis
  • Single black candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clear glass bowl
  • Water
  • Black ink
  • Myrrh joss incense or oil
  • Statue of anubis
  • Single black candle

Fill the bowl with water. Light the incense or oil and place the statue of Anubis on your altar. Place a lit candle in front of it. Relax for a few moments, focusing on your breathing. Then say the following incantation as you pour ink into the water:

"Hail to Anubis, master of the secrets of earth, heaven and the underworld. Give me clear visions, so that I may see what is unseen. Bless and guard me, and help keep my path always true".

Remain with your eyes shut in a relaxed position and allow any visual images that may come to pass. Once finished, snuff out the candles and thank Anubis.


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Last edited on Jul 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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