Bay Leaf-Based Bay Rum

SpellsLife  ► Fortune  ► Bay Leaf-Based Bay Rum
This bay leaf-based bay rum formula may be used for healing, cleansing and to enhance divination.

Casting Instructions for 'Bay Leaf-Based Bay Rum'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Crushed bay laurel leaves
  • Ground allspice berries
  • Ground cardamom
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground cloves
  • Whole bay leaf (optional)
  • Fine dark Caribbean rum
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Crushed bay laurel leaves
  • Ground allspice berries
  • Ground cardamom
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground cloves
  • Whole bay leaf (optional)
  • Fine dark Caribbean rum
1) Add all of the dry ingredients (crushed bay laurel leaves, ground allspice berries, ground cardamom, ground cinnamon, ground cloves) to one pint (half a litre) of fine dark Caribbean rum.
2) Shake it and let it sit for a week.
3) Strain out the solid ingredients.
4) Place some new allspice berries or a whole bay leaf in the bottle.


Added to on Aug 18, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Do you drink it...i know this prob sounds like a dumb question.

Feb 19, 2022
I don't see why drinking it would be harmful, though it certainly wouldn't be pleasant. Bay Rum is a classic scent, often worn as a cologne. As the instructions above gives no advice as to magical correspondences of any aspect of this, I'd imagine it was posted as a do-it-yourself cologne recipe rather than as any sort of potion.

Seems like it's meant for anointing as well. Maybe will candles and such for manifesting

This requires an edit. As you create this tincture, you should charge each item and set your intention. All of these ingredients have different Magikal properties, including the rum. Mixing them together without telling them what you want them to do will result in little to no Magikal conjuring.

Charge each item before you add it to the rum. Place your hands over the item, feel the energy leaving your body and pooling in the item, as you say or think what you want it to do. This is where a chant would come in handy. I would also draw a sigil or symbol on the bay leaves to add to the intention of this tincture. After adding everything to the rum, cork the bottle and gently shake it while chanting/charging the bottle with energy. I would repeat this process four times. Strain after each week and place fresh herbs into the bottle. I would also gently shake the bottle every day while setting your intention. At the end of the month, strain it and place it in a cool dark place. You can drink it, but I would use it to anoint yourself, your tools, and/or use some in floor washes and bath water.

With that said, I do not see this tincture working as a healing spell. While all of the ingredients have a variety of Magikal properties, the most common energy shared among them is money, good fortune, and protection. Rum itself is more commonly associated with money. For this reason, as outline, it does not work as a healing tincture, but it could be used for a money or abundance tincture.

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