Crystal Ball

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SpellsLife  ► Fortune  ► Crystal Ball
If you have a crystal ball, you can use it for advice and it can warn you for what may happen in the future.

Casting Instructions for 'Crystal Ball'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 candles
  • crystal ball
  • table/altar/flat surface to place items on
  • -Spell works best with full moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 candles
  • crystal ball
  • table/altar/flat surface to place items on
  • -Spell works best with full moon
Place a candle on either side of your crystal ball. Light your candles.
Say: ''I seek reflection of the past, wisdom's warning of what will last.
Good council of right and wrong, show me what on which path that I belong.''
The orb will show you warnings of future events and knowledge that you may need.


Added to on Dec 02, 2014
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This chant could be used to set intentions before a scrying session, but it will not awaken the crystal ball to start showing you visions of the future. Firstly, cleanse the tool before use, secondly, you need to be in a trance like state and gaze into the reflective surface to actually scry. It takes time and practice and not everyone has the ability to scry. That is not a bad thing, you might be better at other forms of divination. Regardless, this spell as outline does not work.

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