No Candles Money

SpellsLife  ► Fortune  ► No Candles Money
A spell to increase your wealth.

Casting Instructions for 'No Candles Money'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Magnet
  • Paper
  • Green paint
  • If wanted lit green candle
  • Tape
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Magnet
  • Paper
  • Green paint
  • If wanted lit green candle
  • Tape

Wrap magnet with paper and tape. Paint green and leave to dry. Hold and say spell and bring with you where ever you travel

"Mmoney money come to me please grant my plea give me (chose amount frob 1-100 PS add name of currency)."


Added to on Jul 18, 2016
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This spell needs an edit. Charge energy while casting. Spells require Magik to work, and this outline does not include charging and focusing Magikal energy while preforming the spell. The leave can also determine the energy in the spell. Trees have Magikal properties, so use a leave from a plant that has wealth or abundance associated with it to ensure the energy works with the purpose of your spell. Painting a magnet green makes sense, but you did not include a coin or other items to symbolize your specific currency. Consider instead, take the magnet and charge it with energy while imagining your goal. As you paint it green, continue to focus on your goal. Once dry, place it in a bowl of change. You could add other money items like herbs, luck symbols or rice. Hold the bowl and add more energy while you chant. I would then leave the magnet in the bowl, or, carry the magnet in your wallet.

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