Calming the Mind

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SpellsLife  ► Healing  ► Calming the Mind
A spell to help you relax before any major event magickal or non-magickal.

Casting Instructions for 'Calming the Mind'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 blue candles
  • 2 peach candles
  • Lavendar extract
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 blue candles
  • 2 peach candles
  • Lavendar extract
Put the candles in the shape of a pentacle. Clockwise- blue peach blue blue peach.

As you light each candle chant this three times.

''Calmness that once was lost,
And hidden from me,
Return to my life,
So mote it be.''

Repeat this as many times as you feel right.

Douse the flames with the Lavendar extract.


Added to on Jan 27, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This sounds plausible. I assume they mean peach the colour not a peach shaped candle. This might help with anxiety. If you are struggling to focus, a spell can help, but you should practice meditation. Candles and incense on their own can help you. You can also chant, but meditation chants are usually shorter. They are used as something to focus your mind on. You can also count your breathes if you do not wish to chant.

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