Necronomicon Killing Hex

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SpellsLife  ► Revenge  ► Necronomicon Killing Hex
I have seen rites that can kill a man at a great distance.This spell is greater dark magic from the book of the black earth, necronomicon.

Casting Instructions for 'Necronomicon Killing Hex'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Wax doll or poppet
  • Cauldron or pan
  • Necronomicon, for empowering
  • Black candle
  • Pentacle
  • Blood of virgin
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Wax doll or poppet
  • Cauldron or pan
  • Necronomicon, for empowering
  • Black candle
  • Pentacle
  • Blood of virgin

Chant this spell as you melt the wax doll. You can write name of the victim to dolls back.

"Azag galra sagbi mu unna te
Namtar galra zibi mu unna te
Utuk xul gubi mu unna te
Ala xul gabi mu unna te
Gidim xul ibbi mu unna te
Galla xul kadbi mu unna te
Dingir xul girbi mu unna te
I minabi-ene tashbi aba-andibbi-esh"

This spell must not take sligthly minded. Necronomicon spells are Hardcore magic, and if they turn back to you, you shall live in real hell. The old ones were, the old ones are. And the old one will be.


Added to on Dec 01, 2013
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Necronomicon, is a fictional book seen in the writings of the horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. It is not real, so is the spell.

This is fake and does not work.

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