Bring back a Lost Pet

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SpellsLife  ► Wish  ► Bring back a Lost Pet
This spell brings back a dog (like I did) or possibly a cat that hasn't come back even though you have called for it. This is my first spell but it did work instantly!

Casting Instructions for 'Bring back a Lost Pet'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be relaxed
  • Floor
  • Pet that hasn't come back
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be relaxed
  • Floor
  • Pet that hasn't come back

I was frustrated hat my dog wouldn't come back when I called for her for about 20-30 minutes so I lied on the floor on my back with my hands relaxed above my head to attempt to calm down.
Next close your eyes and recite three times:


"Gods and Goddesses please bring back my bleloved pet (insert pet's name)
He/she is (pet's main color) with (their types/colors for markings)
Gods and Goddesses please bring back my beloved pet (pet's name)."


After you have said it three times say strongly "so mote it be".
It should work almost instantly. Personally my medium-large sized dog came running right back to the door not even ten minutes later. Hope it works for you too and good luck!


Added to on Jan 30, 2016
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This spell has worked for me both times I've used it. Once for my dog and once for my friend's cat. It's worked within a few hours both times.

Sep 15, 2019
Really? I'm going to try it to see if I can bring my pet dog Chilli back!

Absolutely amazing. My friend lost her rabbit around 11:00 am today we searched everywhere for him, asked neighbours etc with no joy. I came back home and around 4pm I opened my circle with my finger (visualising the light) as I did. I did the chant adding at the beginning that my spell was being cast with good intention and without harm to others (as I was casting for a friend). We'll come 10pm he's back home against all odds he came up to their back door and scratched at it to be let in. Don't forget to give thanks in advance and close your circle

Oct 19, 2021
I hope my dog biscuit comes back. I love her.

This spell actually worked for me! This was only my 2nd attempt at doing a spell and I had lost my rat while letting her free range in my room. I was very worried that she climbed out of my window while I went to throw away a wrapper because it was cracked a little bit so i decided it doesn't hurt to try a spell. I layed down on my floor next to my altar and said the chant before i meditated (I was going to say it again during my meditation but didnt feel the need) I then begun meditating and practicing grounding but still kept my intention in the back of my head. I then felt the urge to sit up so I did and as soon as I opened my eyes I looked down the hallway and saw my wiener dog running towards me as fast as possible with my rat chasing after him. (he is terrified of her and she loves to chase him around she doesn't bite him or anything so no worries he's just a coward)

I have tried many spells, including this one and they do not work ever! Do you know why?

May 17, 2020
hello! if you're having trouble with spells, meditating beforehand and really focusing on your intention have helped me in the past. if you have the ability, using crystals, candles, and colors that correspond with your intention also help!

I haven't done any spells yet, however can u make one that can allow me to have a chipmunk as a pet? Also do all sorcerers have their own way to cast spells?

I’m going to bring back my dead dog jojo 😭

Sep 30, 2020
That isn’t how this spell works. You cannot bring things back from the dead. This brings back lost pets.

Sep 30, 2020
I'm sorry for your loss, but this spell is for finding missing pets, not attempting to resurrect dead pets. That would contradict nature, and magick doesn't contradict nature.

Jan 31, 2022
this spell brings back a lost pet not a passed pet, im sorry for your loss

My cat lucky has been gone for a month now, and he has not come home. I tried this many times, (but none of my spells work, real or not) can someone cast it for me? I miss him so much 😭😭 He is white with tan markings.

Aug 17, 2021
hey i hope you’ve found lucky❤️

Jan 31, 2022
if spells dont work for you meditating beforehand and really focusing on your intention seems to help, if you can use crystals and candles then that helps, but just to warn you some spells on this site are fake but others work if you do them correctly.

worked my cat came back within 2 hours after

Can I lay on the bed?

Nov 21, 2021
Yes. There is no reason you should not be able to. My main concern with this spell, is it isn't very descriptive of energy work. Raising, directing, and grounding energy. The process is left out. Reciting a chant seven or eight times with no energy directing isn't likely to do much. Otherwise it is feasible and a decent spell. It could use a little more instruction.

how long does this usually take?

Dec 09, 2021
Spell work takes time to manifest. Unfortunately we can not know for certain how long our workings may take to come about. That said be sure you are physically doing all you can to help find your beloved pet. Let others know they are missing. Let your friends and family know if not your neighbors. Use social media as a platform to get the word out. Drive around your neighborhood if you can and keep an eye out. Keep trying. This can be a very stressful time. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Wishing your beloved a safe and happy return.

Can someone try this spell for me? My cat hasn't come back home in a few months. His name is Pia and he is a dark grey and white siamese.

Heyy it KIND OF worked. Just after i performed this spell , my sister saw my cat in the bushes, but she disappeared again. I went and looked for her but i cant find her. Did it go wrong??

Sep 14, 2022
It didn't go wrong. It worked. Your cat returned. However, if the cat was startled, it would run off because it's a cat. [on a sombre note, it could be the spirit, but I doubt it] leave some food near the bush, maybe try the spell again, just keep an eye and when you see the cat, don't scream and run after it [I know, I'd be excited if I saw my missing pet, but your cat doesn't know why you're screaming and running]

Thank you SerenityLuna for the spell. My beloved 6 yr old Female Cat who was on heat escaped last Oct.19,2022 and when I did this spell this morning she came home at 1 pm today Oct. 26, 2022. Blessed Be!

I sold my puppies but immediately realized I made a mistake. And would like them back. Would this spell help? I reached out to the girl I sold them to and she refuses to sell them back. I’m so sad.

Mar 12, 2025
They are not yours. You sold them. Learn from this experience. I feel casting a spell to steal someones pet would backfire on you.

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