Attract A Friend

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SpellsLife  ► Wish  ► Attract A Friend
Just as the title says ! The purpose of this is to atrract a new friend into your life. I have used this spell and it has worked quite nicely.

Casting Instructions for 'Attract A Friend'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • paper
  • pen
  • orange candle
  • fireproof container (recommended)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • paper
  • pen
  • orange candle
  • fireproof container (recommended)

The first thing you want to do is to make sure you have all your ingredients for the spell. Make sure to have a good mindset and complete focus as well! 

Get your pen and paper and write down the personality traits you want in this friend. (Spunky, cheerful, etc.) While doing this, light the orange candle.

Make sure to write down, preferably full sentences on how they make you feel. Once you are done, at the bottom of the paper write down "thank you" along with your preferred name. Fold the paper towards you (hamburger style), turn it clockwise, and do it again. (Only twice.)

Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize yourself at a place where you would hang out with this friend. It could be the park, the mall, or maybe even at your own house. Try imagining yourself hanging around with this friend. Focus on how they make you happy and their expressions. When you believe you are done, visualize the paper surrounded by orange energy. 

If you feel ready, take the paper and make sure to burn the paper completely. (Use fire safety !) You can either take the ashes and bury them or let the wind blow it away. You can either snuff the candle out or let it continue to burn. Give yourself time to forget about the spell, it's crucial for it to work. Then wait, manifesting can take some time.


Added to on Jun 25, 2019
Last edited on Jul 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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It seems like a simple but effective spell.

Mar 21, 2021
Pretty sure i've heard this line somewhere else too.

Mar 21, 2021
What do you mean?

Apr 24, 2021
How can this spell be effective?

Jun 07, 2021
its a cute spell

Dec 12, 2023
@ JacobPoole, sorry for the late reply. It's a simple candle spell. It relies more on the energy you conjure and the colour correspondence over ingredients like herbs and crystals. For this reason, many might think it won't work because it's just a candle, but it can and does work. It's basic candle magick. Once you know how to cast these types of spells, you'll be gold. [no, it won't work for everyone, and there are many factors at play, but it does work if you know how to direct energy and there are no blocks between you and the other person]

This is a good spell it’s one my favourites

Jun 06, 2022
You've done this spell before?

Does it have to be a orange candle or will anything else work?

Aug 04, 2022
I believe the color of the candle used is meant to coincide with the personality traits you'd like to see in the friend or traits a particular person already possesses. So any color can be used so long as it matches what you are looking for. In example pink could be used for someone kind and compassionate. White for someone pure and clean. Etc.

Okay... so what does orange and yellow mean?

Dec 12, 2023
Google magickal colour corespondances and you should get a list. I'll link you a list [it's from a love and light site, so no curse information]

I didn't get it how to fold in hamburger style but in clockwise too?

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