Create the Man of your Dreams

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SpellsLove  ► Attraction  ► Create the Man of your Dreams
This spell is to create the love of your life.

Casting Instructions for 'Create the Man of your Dreams'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clay (Any amount of clay)
  • Two sheets of paper
  • A pencil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clay (Any amount of clay)
  • Two sheets of paper
  • A pencil

Take the two sheets of paper. On one, write what you want him to look like, including his age. On the other, write all of his character traits, including his likes and dislikes. Place one paper on rhe right of the clay, and one on the left. Using a pencil, etch into the clay Aphrodite's symbol. Then say this three times

"Before the gods, I bring to life my true love, the one who I will spend life with. May you, Aphrodite bring our two souls together. Make him breathe, give him life, make him mine."

About a week or two later, when you're outside, walking or shopping, you're going to meet him. He's instantly going to fall in love with you, and you'll probably know in your heart that he's your soul mate.


Added to on Feb 01, 2014
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Can you add parents or family to this or will it mess up?

Apr 03, 2019
No. This won't work.

Can I add family or like job or like what all can I add?

Apr 06, 2019
Just to make it more realistic or believable?

Apr 07, 2019
It won't make it more realistic or believable, rarely can you put a time stamp on a spell, and it's highly unlikely you'll meet and they'll instantly love you back in a couple of weeks. That said, you can still do this, you are sending out your desire to the universe and using the law of attraction hope to find this person. Where this spell is flawed however is the belief you can build the perfect partner and they appear and instantly love you. You might wish to make it a little broader, as I doubt the person would look/act 100% as described. Write a handful of traits you would like, then reflect on it every so often to add more energy to the spell, and be open to love.

Will he age with me?

Apr 11, 2019
It won't work

Apr 11, 2019
How did you miss the previous answers that told you this will not work?

Has it worked for others and if you draw a picture of your partner you wish to create would that help in any way?

Jun 18, 2020
You can't create a physical being out of thin air. You could try a spell to draw a person to you, and cast to draw someone of certain traits. (For example, casting a spell to meet an already existing person who is open minded and compassionate.)

Create the Man of your Dreams Create the Woman of your Dreams

Can I use any type of clay? I found one that is really cheap and it's seens good I don't have a lot of money so I hope it's ok to use that one

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