AWhat is called black magic can be used for malicious or self-centered reasons. On the other hand, white magic is magic that is used exclusively for good purposes such as healing the sick. The mind control spell I will show you is considered to be black magic, so please proceed with extreme caution.
Casting Instructions for 'Mind Control'
You will need the following items for this spell:
You will need the following items for this spell:
First, place the candles in a circle but do not light them. The best way to make an accurate circle is by placing a candle in each cardinal direction (example: North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, etc.). Make sure that the circle is at least a foot in diameter. Place the photograph or object in the center of this circle. Before you light the candles, utter these words:
"Spirit guides, connect my ethereal cord with name of the person.
Let us converge like the Moons light and darkness.
May we be one and the same in thought and spirit."
Afterwards, light the candles with your lighter or matches. This might be common sense but please be sure that you conduct this ritual on a concrete or wood floor if you're indoors. Never do this ritual on a rug, carpeted floor or any material that can easily catch fire. You may use candlesticks as well. This will not affect the casting of the spell. Once the light has filled up the room, stand in front of the circle of candles. Look down at the photo or object. Your concentration should be quite intense at this point. Don't think about anything else except the person you are attempting to enchant. Imagine that they can psychically feel you at that moment. Whisper their name 30 times in a row while concentrating on their picture or object. To finalize the ritual and close the link to the spirit world that you just opened up, say this prayer:
"May my mind and soul become one with Name's mind.
When I walk, they will walk with me.
When I speak about apples, they will taste their sweetness.
When I feel melancholy or love, their heart will respond in kind.
I thank you, spirit guides, for helping me.
May you make the cord between me and Name strong like the chains of a prisoner."
In the end, close it with..
"We are no longer two as one.
I am myself and you are yourself.
Your mind is now again your own."
1. magick is intent, not colour, so ''black magick'' is flag number one for me. 2. you can't manipulate someone to do whatever you want, even if someones susceptible to hypnosis they still have some level of control. 3. you cannot control another persons mind, you can cast a spell on them in a similar way as this spell suggest [say a love spell] but it just effects the energy around them to attract/repel a given outcome. overall this doesn't work. as for how dangerous it is, it's more ask yourself if your comfortable manipulating people and making them do what you want instead of letting them live their own life. [also if you believe in karma or the threefold law this can bring negative energy your way]
I want to do this on the stalker Ive had for 12 years his friend did a mind control on me because we changed our WiFi network Im hopeful I can get him to admit all hes done with mind control
Tadashi I know witchcraft is lesser magic/limited but don't influence people that they cant do something just because you haven't tried it or it didn't work for you.
There are a lot of factors to consider but it definitely is possible.
Witchcraft is not a lesser form of Magik. It is a craft. Higher and lesser is simply a way to feel superior in your craft and make those you disagree with feel inferior. There are many different schools of Magik, but they all come from the same source. Some require more skill to cast effectively, but that does not make them superior to other forms, nor does it make them able to contradict natural law. There are type of hypnosis where you could influence another, but they will always retain some level of control. There is also cult settings where people are psychologically broken down and mentally reconstructed to obey the leader. These are not spells, these are psychological techniques.
Best thing for that is either create a energy servant or to send a spiritual link to them which takes very long depending on the distance and focus u have.
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