It's best to befriend the target, as they must drink a concoction in order for this ritual to perform as expected
Casting Instructions for 'Blood Love Spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
-Needle/pin (Sharp and Clean)
-Plaster(Band-aid for Americans)
-Drink for target(Dark coloured)
You will need the following items for this spell:
-Needle/pin (Sharp and Clean)
-Plaster(Band-aid for Americans)
-Drink for target(Dark coloured)
Take the drink and the pin, Carefully, Use the pin or needle to prick the tip of one of your fingers, now pour a single, or two, drops into the drink, while doing this Chant
''Je crée un véritable amour de moi, et toi''
''I create true love between me and you''(Basic/free translation)
have the Target ingest the mixture and, if your intentions and will are powerful enough to spark the spell in the right direction, they shall lov you eternally, I am sure there are ways to break the spell, in case things go wrong, but I'm not sure, but that's the risk of using blood magick this way
Don’t use blood magick!!! It’s permanent and CANNOT BE UNDONE. Before you think about doing blood magick, you should do proper research on the consequences:
This PDF has extensive information on blood magick- don’t jump into things blind!!
Any spell can be undone [meaning, once the goal of the spell is achieved, the energy will fade away] but you're correct, blood magick is much harder to undo if you realize you made a mistake. Blood ties you to the spell more than any other item. blood is something within you that you are willingly harming yourself to add to the spell. It's your life force. It contains the most personal magickal energy you have. [also, depending on how you get the blood, it can also affect the spell. menstrual blood for example is seen as a very potent source] using blood [especially the targets blood] is like using superglue. It can still be broken, but not without a TON of effort. [and by a ton of effort, I mean you might need a coven of adept witches to help you] You should always think before you cast, but especially with blood magick. It's not evil or dangerous, but it is powerful. Do your research and think before you cast.
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