Control the Darkness

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Control the Darkness
I never tride this spell before but I seen my friend do this before once I saw him control the darkness my eyes were poking out of my face and I don't care if you laugh if you see this summary so go ahead laugh if you want its worth it.

Casting Instructions for 'Control the Darkness'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night time at any time
  • 2 White candles
  • 1 Red candle
  • Bowl of your blood
  • Knife
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night time at any time
  • 2 White candles
  • 1 Red candle
  • Bowl of your blood
  • Knife
  • Voice

This is the spell that will let you control the darkness so get your 2 wight candles,1 red candle, your knife,a bowl then go outside then light the candles all three of them. First step is to cut yourself on both of the rists. second step is two put your blood in the bowl. Third step is to hold the 2 wight candles on both hands. Sixth step is to put the 1 red candle in front of you then chant these words:



"Oh gods of darkness please let me control the darkness only for tonight."



Only say it five times then once you've doen that a giant wid will lift you up then you can walk on the air that lifted you up then you will be able to control the wind that is carying you.

Now I will tell you how to control it.

First if you want to go up the move your body up til your on your tipy toes thats how you will move up. Second is if you want to go down you have to go in a crouching posision then you will go down. Third is if you want to go lef you have to move your body left. Fourth is if you want to go right you have to move your body right.

Warning:  If you jump wile the air that is carying you the air that is carying you will disapear and you will fall down.


Added to on Feb 06, 2012
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is fake. You cannot control darkness.

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