18 Again Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► 18 Again Spell
Changes you or a victims age back to an 18 year old.

Casting Instructions for '18 Again Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You
  • Victim or mirror
  • Your eyes
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You
  • Victim or mirror
  • Your eyes

1. Find the victim you want to use the spell on or a mirror.

2. Keep your eyes on the victim/or you in the mirror at all times through the spell.

3. While your eyes are on the victim/or mirror chant these words:


"By the power of three ancestors grant me the power to change the age of the person in front me 18 again. By the power of three, mote it be. So mote it be."


Added to on Feb 15, 2012
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Humans age, spells cannot turn back time.

Jul 31, 2019
you don't know if you haven't tried.

Jul 31, 2019
it's a fact of life wildwolfgirl. time [or at least the measurement we humans invented to describe the rotation of the earth around the sun] only moves forward. you cannot stop it or reverse it, you have a set amount of time and thats it. you can do regression and in a meditative state relive memories/experiences in your mind, but you cannot physically go back because that contradicts nature and magick doesn't contradict nature.

Nov 21, 2019
You lied even though you tried it and it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's not possible, legit magical spell can do anything here on earth.

Nov 21, 2019
Nekoshema you should not be talking in forum of magic since you don't have faith in magic. Stop wasting your time here and stop discouraging magical seekers so that you don't carry the load of their bad karma

Nov 21, 2019
i believe in magick, i have been pagan for half my life [i actually just finished a spell an hour ago] so don't claim i ''don't believe'' because i understand how magick works and you wish to live in a fantasy world making up wild claims [and i will remind you roleplaying is against site rules, so stop telling people those of us who actually know how magick works is lying and you can do things you really can't]

Apr 22, 2021
Nekoshema! You are a pagan but itdoesn't mean that you knolw everything or I should say that what ever you think, feel and know is right! You talk more about about just science and not magic. Magic is beyond logic. That's why it is magic. Yes science and magic can be related in many aspects but it doesn't mean that only science is magic!

Apr 22, 2021
Science isn't magick. Magick is an energy of nature. On the physical, it is ruled by nature. If something claims to contradict nature, it won't work because magick on the physical doesn't contradict nature since it's a force of nature. On other planes of existence, magick works differently, but on the physical, it's limited by nature. Also, just because I identify as pagan doesn't mean anything, it's just the best label for my spiritual path. I'm not claiming to know everything, but I've studied and practiced long enough to know the bare minimum of magick. Anyone who has read a beginner's guide would know this fact. Magick has limitations and is nothing like you see in movies. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you and doesn't know what magick is.

You cannot reverse time with Real Magic.

Apr 22, 2021
Magic is magic dear.

Apr 22, 2021
Do not call me dear. I call it ''real'' magik to disassociate it from the falsehoods pushed by Hollywood. There is a difference between reality and fantasy when it comes to magik. The magik that is practiced by actual witches in the real world does not defy nature. It cannot reverse time. That is nonsense seen in fictional works to entertain. That was my point. You can do past life regression, but not stopping the flow of time to physically travel backwards in it.

Aug 02, 2021
Yes! You don't deserve to be called dear...

You can't turn back time. It's a natural force, and on this world, nothing is stronger than the will of nature. Ultimately, we're all bound by it, no matter what spell we cast. Some aspects of nature are in our control, such as weather. But others, like time, are etched in stone. Maybe in time we'll have some kind of technology allowing us to turn back time, but it's a long time away.

when it comes to age there is no power on this planet that can change you age other than time moving forward. the only way you can do something related are body spells that can make yourself look younger.

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