Change Eye Color

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Change Eye Color
This spell will really change your eye color but only when you're wearing your item of jewelry.

Casting Instructions for 'Change Eye Color'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pink candle
  • Orange candle
  • Pentagram
  • A candle the color that you want your eyes to be
  • An item of jewelry that you wear a lot
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pink candle
  • Orange candle
  • Pentagram
  • A candle the color that you want your eyes to be
  • An item of jewelry that you wear a lot

First, you have to light your candles putting the orange on the left and the pink on the right (it doesn't actually matter which side the orange/pink is on) of the color candle that you want your eyes to be. The pentagram should be under the candle of the color that you want your eyes to be.

Now, get the item of jewelry and if it's a necklace then put it around the candles and of it has a charm on t make it point at you. If you have earrings then put one next to the orange candle then one next to the pink. If you have a ring place it next to the candle that is the color you want your eyes to be.

Next, close your eyes and imagine yourself with the color of the eyes that you have for about 2-5 minutes. Then see the color in your eyes change to the color that you want (just a heads up, you might want to pick a color that's close to your natural eye color) for about 5 or 6 minutes.

Then, open your eyes and imagine the color that you want your eyes to be emitting from that color candle (one on the pentagram) like energy and see it flowing into your jewelry then recite the fallowing incantation:

"1, 2, 3, eye change for me. 1, 2, 3, from (the color that you have) to (the color that you want) is what I see. 1, 2, 3, some mote it be."

The spell is complete! Put on your jewelry and look in the mirror. Did your eyes change? They will change over the course of the day or the time that you have the jewelry on. They will change from what you want to original. Some side-effects are strain or soreness felt in our eyes.


Added to on May 01, 2012
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot change your physical eye colour with Real Magik. You might be able to cast a glamour to create an illusion so others perceive your eyes as a different colour.

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