How to Hurt or Kill Someone

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► How to Hurt or Kill Someone
It will hurt or kill someone.

Casting Instructions for 'How to Hurt or Kill Someone'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Milk (best to use really spoiled milk)
  • 10 drops of hot sauce
  • 1 bottle of beer
  • Some eye liner
  • Some colon
  • 5 of the hottest peppers you can find
  • 2 cups of dirt
  • 10 worms
  • 4 drops at least of food coloring
  • Blender
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Milk (best to use really spoiled milk)
  • 10 drops of hot sauce
  • 1 bottle of beer
  • Some eye liner
  • Some colon
  • 5 of the hottest peppers you can find
  • 2 cups of dirt
  • 10 worms
  • 4 drops at least of food coloring
  • Blender

Pour the milk into the blender. Add peppers, beer, and ten drops of hot sauce. Then add the bottle of eyeliner, colon, worms and dirt. After that, blend the ingredients for about two minutes.

While mixing say, "Gods and Goddesses, let me hurt or kill (person's name)". When finished, pour the mixture into an empty bottle. Add food dye and make the person drink it. 


Added to on May 17, 2012
Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Do not do this. This is not Magik, it is revolting. You can make them sick, not by the spell, but from the fact this is toxic. Also, did you mean ''cologne'' not ''colon''? Do not attempt, this is dangerous but not from a Magikal standpoint, from a mundane standpoint.

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