To Banish Personal Negativity

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► To Banish Personal Negativity
Spell to help you get relived of negative energy

Casting Instructions for 'To Banish Personal Negativity'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A bowl of water
  • A bowl of salt
  • Altar
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A bowl of water
  • A bowl of salt
  • Altar

Consecrate the water. Bless the salt and sprinkle some onto the altar. Add a little salt to the water. Hold the water up to the sky and say:

'I ask the Lord and Lady to let this be the receiver of all my negativity, so that I may cleanse myself and become whole once more. Blessed be'.

Place the bowl down safely. Dip fingers and thumbs of both hands into the water. Visualize all negative thoughts and feelings moving through your hands down into the water. Visualize all negative thoughts and feelings moving through your body, through your arms, and out from your hands into the water. As you do so, notice that you are becoming lighter from losing the weight that has been on your mind. When you are done, remove your hands, shaking the last drops into the bowl. Hold the bowl up and say:

'I ask the Lord and Lady to take this negativity and through Their power and the power of the Elements to keep me safe in their hands. Blessed be.'

Afterwards, pour the water on the earth(if not possible, down the drain).


Added to on May 18, 2012
Last edited on Nov 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Simple working cleansing. I would also shield before going about your day to help reduce the negative energy we encounter throughout the day from lingering on your person.

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