Change Cup Size

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Change Cup Size
This is a spell to make yours, your friend's, or even a friend's friend cup size bigger or smaller

Casting Instructions for 'Change Cup Size'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Mirror (would be helpful)
  • A Voice
  • Some Skill in Visuallization & Meditation(would be helpful)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Mirror (would be helpful)
  • A Voice
  • Some Skill in Visuallization & Meditation(would be helpful)
First off prepare yourself for the spell by meditating (no positions needed). After preparing ones self visuallize (if you can) the change in size you or the person wants. Then go to a mirror (if you have one) and chant this as many times as you like:

Help me, help me, help me please
Please make her breasts be cup size *
Soon they will be
Soon they will be
Soon they'll be cup size *

Note 1: can substitute * with A, B, C,or D
Note 2: can substitute her with my


Added to on Jun 12, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Are there side effects?

How long the effect last? Do we need to do it over And over, or just the once?

You cannot physically change your cup size with Magik. If you are going through puberty, you might be able to focus your intention and it might result in your goal, but it is highly unlikely. You might cast a glamour to make people perceive you have a specific size.

Can her be substituted with he? Also can it go further than D?

Nov 07, 2022
Substitute it with whatever you feel like and whatever cup size you imagine. It cannot and will not work. Spells cannot physically change you.

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