Invoke The Prime Element Within Yourself

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Invoke The Prime Element Within Yourself
We all harbor the four basic elements within us, however we tend to draw inner power from one primarily. This is the element of your soul. This spell will help you clarify which element your draw from.

Casting Instructions for 'Invoke The Prime Element Within Yourself'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A clear mind (I suggest meditating till you can clear your mind's eye of all petty thoughts and worries)
  • 1 red candle (fire)
  • 1 white candle (Air)
  • 1 blue candle (Water)
  • 1 brown candle (Earth)
  • 1 item of power/protection (a charm, amulet, ect.) I personally use a clear quartz crystal, Lapis Lazuli(my birthstone) or my Talisman.
  • And anything else you feel might add to the spell's potency.
  • You'll have to decide on what time of day or night to preform this spell. I feel the most empowered around 11pm - 12pm during the Waxing Crescent Moon.
  • I also recommend burning some Acacia while preforming this.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A clear mind (I suggest meditating till you can clear your mind's eye of all petty thoughts and worries)
  • 1 red candle (fire)
  • 1 white candle (Air)
  • 1 blue candle (Water)
  • 1 brown candle (Earth)
  • 1 item of power/protection (a charm, amulet, ect.) I personally use a clear quartz crystal, Lapis Lazuli(my birthstone) or my Talisman.
  • And anything else you feel might add to the spell's potency.
  • You'll have to decide on what time of day or night to preform this spell. I feel the most empowered around 11pm - 12pm during the Waxing Crescent Moon.
  • I also recommend burning some Acacia while preforming this.
In a quiet and serene place, face north and cast your circle(with your athame or index finger). Once your circle is cast, place the red candle to the south on the edge of the circle, the brown candle to the north, the blue candle to the west and lastly the white candle to the east. Light the candles in a clockwise motion, starting with the candle of your choice saying the names, either out loud or in your thoughts, of the elements they represent. Once all candles have been lit seat yourself(or stand if you prefer) in the middle. With your item of power/protection in hand, recite this incantation:
''Come forth fire, water, earth and air. I seek to know the element inside, where both my power and soul reside. Now is the hour, now is the time. Bring forth my soul's element, my element prime! To my mind's eye I summon you now! Reveal my governing element! (x3-->)So mote/may it be!

After: Blow out the candles and banish your circle.

If this spell effective you should have a clear vision/picture of your prime element in your mind.
Upon using this spell, a vision of a woman kneeling in prayer as she held a lit candle to her heart entered my mind. I gathered that my prime element was fire

(I am open to feed back as to whether this particular spell worked or not for you, just please be kind with your words.)


Added to on Jul 13, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is overkill. While, yes, we are all the elements, and we are naturally drawn to one more than another, you do not need all of this. Quickest way to figure it out, ask yourself what your favourite element is. If you have more than one, that is fine. Second thing you can do is Google your zodiac and see which element rules your sign. Third option, make a list of your qualities and interests, then Google what each element represents. No spell required.

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