Aphrodite Wish

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Aphrodite Wish
This is a spell to change 3 things about yourself with the power of Aphrodite.

Casting Instructions for 'Aphrodite Wish'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 rose quartz
  • 2 seashells
  • Great mind power
  • 1 warm bath
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 rose quartz
  • 2 seashells
  • Great mind power
  • 1 warm bath
Fill your bathtub up with hot water. When filled to your liking, get in the tub. Put the items in this order on your stomach. Seashell, quartz, seashell. Invoke the spirit of Aphrodite. Pick up the seashell and recite what you wish to do, like sports, jobs, talents, hobbies, etc. Pick up the other shell and recite what you wish your personality to be like. Pick up the quartz and recite what you wish to look like. Recite the following:
Aphrodite please make this true
For I shall do one thing for you.
Get out of the bath and keep the items with you the next few days until what you said has come true.


Added to on Jul 13, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I do not feel this works. If you remove the wish, it would work as a way to connect with Aphrodite. I feel it would work better as a way to connect to Aphrodite than a wish for having an amazing life. Also, if you do not already work with Aphrodite, you should not cast a wish spell asking her to give you the life of your dreams.

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