Spell To Lose Weight

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Spell To Lose Weight
This will help you to lose weight.

Casting Instructions for 'Spell To Lose Weight'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Piece Of Parchment Paper
  • Pen Or A Pencil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Piece Of Parchment Paper
  • Pen Or A Pencil
draw a pentacle in the center. In each point write one word of
“Refrigerator Stay Invisible To Me”

While writing concentrate on yourself at the desired weight you have in mind.
Attach the paper to the fridge, until you reach your goal. Moon should be waning.


Added to on Jul 28, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This might help as a reminder on a diet, but weight loss is not simply eating less. Yes, consuming less calories will help, but if you are starving yourself, it is just as bad as over indulging. Build on this, explore why you feel you need to lose weight and how you plan on losing it. Eating 100 calories worth of an apple is better than 100 calories of a donut, so saying the fridge is the enemy is wrong. At the same time, saying you will never enjoy a treat is doomed to fail, to say nothing of the simple joys of life you rob yourself of. Moderation is the key. Furthermore, I know weight loss is not as simple as ''eat less'' but this spell seems to assume that, which infuriates me. A spell can help with cravings, motivation, and quicker results, but assuming it is simply because someone overeats is an overplayed falsehood. There is a plethora of reasons why someone is overweight as well as why someone cannot lose weight.

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