Rapunzel's Hair

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Rapunzel's Hair
This spell is mostly to make you look like Rapunzel,and will effect mostly on the hair.

Casting Instructions for 'Rapunzel's Hair'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 brush
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 brush

Brush hair softly to get hair results Try to stay up until midnight to do this step.If you can't,say this chant at noon:

"I am a princess,one in castles I'd truly be,
My name is Rapunzel,and I am She.
So I wish to reveal my long and blonde hair,
And silky skin with green eyes.
I know not to cut it,and I love music and dancing".

Brush hair until you have the desired effect


Added to on Aug 09, 2012
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot gain Rapunzel's hair. No spell will make your hair instantly grow that long, or become blonde when it was not. Above all, you cannot have magic hair that glows and heals when you sing a song. The tale is for entertainment purposes.

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