How To Make a Psi Ball

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► How To Make a Psi Ball
This just shows you how to make a Psi Ball. If you successfully create a Psi Ball, you can turn it into a Psi Shield.

Casting Instructions for 'How To Make a Psi Ball'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Decide where to make the Psi Ball. You can make it anywhere, in your hands, on the floor, or even in China! Decide which resource you will take energy from. If you take energy from your body, you will quickly run out and you'll be tired. Take energy from a resource with more energy than you, like the Earth, another planet, or even the Sun or the Moon!

Draw energy from the resource. Just think of the resource in your head and slowly draw energy from it. The energy will fill your body (Just don't draw too much energy or your body will overfill!) Convert all the energy to your hands and rub them together. Slowly make the energy in your body migrate to your hands and then rub your hands together until they get really hot.

Move your hands apart a bit and the Psi Ball will form. Carefully move your hands apart a bit and imagine all the energy in your body swirling around in the Psi Ball in your hands. You have to concentrate very hard to make the Psi Ball come from the Spiritual Realm to the Physical Realm.

You can just look at it, destroy it, crush it, release it, absorb it, throw it, or turn it into a Psi Shield (There's a spell for that somewhere)


Added to on Aug 10, 2012
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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is this real

Jul 08, 2020
Not sure about the physical ''seeing'' it, but psi-balls are real, yeah

Cool! This helps!

This needs a slight edit, but this is the most common way to make a psi ball. Gently rub your hands together. It is to wake up the energy, not to cause friction to warm up your hands. Cup your hands as if you are holding a ball, then focus your energy into your hands. Feel it traveling into and through your body, pooling in your hands. The energy should cause your hands to heat up. You should also feel a slight push as if you are holding a ball. You might also feel tingles, pulsing, or other similar sensations resonating in the palm of your hand. Move your hands out slightly, imagining the ball getting larger. Hold it for a few moments, then close your hands slightly. You should feel a slight resistance as you do this. As you improve on making the psi ball, you can try holding it in one hand, rolling it along your arm, even try shaping it into other forms. You most likely will not see it, as it will be an energy and not a physical ball, but if you have clairvoyance and can see spirits, there is a chance you will see the energy.

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