Change your gender

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Change your gender
Change from boy to girl, or vise versa. Must have some experience with biokinesis.

Casting Instructions for 'Change your gender'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Experience in biokinesis
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Experience in biokinesis
Get into a meditative state. Next make a needle (really thin and sharp) with your energy. Then imagine your tube of genes and your needle poking into it. The next part you can do two ways. Method 1: (I prefer) If you are a boy think of the needle attaching to the Y and changing to a X. If you are a girl think of one of your X's turning to a Y. Method 2: Think that you really want to change your gender and release the needle until it evaporates. IMPORTANT: Seal up the hole you poked with the needle with energy otherwise you lose part one of your genes. Exit your state and watch the transformation happen. This is my first spell but I am absolutely sure it will work. Message me about your experience. Btw it will take time for the spell to work.


Added to on Sep 24, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Wow. Need to add to list of spells to try.

I know it's not how magic works, but I like to try everything, just in case.

Says no one cause this is fake

You cannot physically change your gender with Real Magik.

Yes magick just like in a made up story is very real. And it comes from our subconcious mind and from our spirit/higher self. As belief is very powerful. For an example people have reported that real magic spells do work, that is because they have full belief in the spell and in magick. If you are truly spiritual you would get that belief is very powerful.

Feb 27, 2024
Belief can be powerful, but it can not change reality. The overt expression of human genetic makeup will not change because we think about it. Not even if we think about it -really hard-. It takes far more than thought for some things in life.

It is fine to reach for the clouds, but one must still keep their feet on the ground.

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