Weight Loss

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Weight Loss
This spell will help you to lose your excess weight.

Casting Instructions for 'Weight Loss'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle (optional)
  • Picture of the castee (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle (optional)
  • Picture of the castee (optional)

Begin by meditating for 10-15 minutes prior to casting. If you don't have the candle no fears skip to 3. If you do have a candle light the candle and concentrate on the flame. Imagine your subject (or yourself) as light as the flame, weightless even. Do this for 5 minutes.

Now the picture is to be used if you can't accurately visualize the person, but if you are able to you have no need for it. Visualize the subject and keep them as the focal point as your thoughts imagine them on a scale and the scales number is slowly dropping. How long you do this is all up to you.

Say this chant according to the amount of weight you wish to be lost. For instance, 30 pounds you say it 3 times so on so forth. This is the chant. "I ask of thee to help a friend (or yourself) to lose unwanted weight. What they may lose in body weight may they gain in happiness. I ask of thee to assist"

After your last chant end with so mote it be.


Added to on Sep 29, 2012
Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot use a spell to lose weight no matter how much power you have. This will not work.

Oct 21, 2019
of course spells dont work for those who dont believe in them so stop putting negative comments coz I lost 10 pounds after this

Oct 21, 2019
weight loss spells fall into that grey area of magick where ''technically it could work'' [see also weather, death, and beauty spells] i am very happy it worked for you, i think what kolship meant was merely saying some words and not applying yourself in your goal won't manifest results. all spells require you to put forth effort in order for them to be successful.

Apr 27, 2022
Unless you already did the work right I'm mean it obvious that when work out that's a spell of its own me idk how fat I get I can work it off anyway I'm here because I'm bored so fill me in on what to do for fun lol

Apr 28, 2022
@ Dakotawolf firstly, textspeak is against site rules, so be careful using it in future. Secondly, this is a forum site, you chat to people for fun [forums, chat, spell/article comments, private mail. You can also join a site coven] Thirdly, weight loss isn't as simple as working out and you'll be skinny. Some people have medical reasons why they can't lose or gain weight. It's also scientifically proven if you're fat and you lose weight, your cells are coded to store fat, so it's more difficult to keep the weight off. A spell for weight loss/gain helps with motivation and reduces cravings. No spell will deliver instant results without effort. Spells help charge the energy around us to attract a desired change. We still need to work for the goal.

Oct 12, 2023
But then you have no power so yh

Oct 12, 2023
It's working for me so your wrong

Oct 13, 2023
You don't have psychic powers? When did anyone claim that? Everyone has psychic abilities, they simply have to develop them. Personally, it runs in my family, so I've had the ability to see the future, see/hear/sense spirits, and perform various types of divination since childhood. That doesn't pertain to the matter at hand however, but there you go. [I am curious why you're randomly attacking old comments without cause or reason. kolship made a statement, lovelykitty disagreed, and I explained the reality of these types of spells. Psychic abilities never factored in, so I'd caution you on changing the subject of a thread as well as double posting as they're rule violations and could get your account gagged]

Weight loss spells can work, if done in the correct way along with cleansing for example,using affirmation daily, cleansing our environment by removing negative energy and with special detox herbs.

Jun 12, 2022
Absolutely! Thank you!

Oct 12, 2023
Yes indeed

Did this work for anyone

May 10, 2019
Try it for yourself and see. Weight loss spells typically work more for motivation. The ones I've done in the past usually make my cravings decrease and I have more energy to exercise, they will not have you wake up 30 pounds lighter without any effort on your part however.

On the fence with this chant, it's rather unhealthy to conflate your body image with happiness. I would reflect on all the positives that would come of loosing weight, like your health increasing, rather than being ''pretty'' and therefore ''happy'' because that's a mindset that will cause problems.

I really want to lose about 200 pounds from my weight being at 379.7 so I need help

Mar 12, 2020
If people are being rude to you that’s their problem. You are a great person, no mater what you weigh. So stay away from the people who are rude with out getting to know you, surround yourself with people who care! Think positive and never give up.😁👍🏻

Mar 12, 2020
*That’s not that?s

Oct 12, 2023
I can give you you a remedies that I can give you to use it's like witches tea

so just to make sure if you want to lose 40lbs would you say the chant 4 times

May 16, 2021

I think that you should try to diet and exercise after you do this spell as well so it can help you along with the spell

This could help you set your intention, but it will not make you magically loose a bunch of weight without any effort or change in your lifestyle.

Oct 12, 2023
Just stop you are always negative energy around you

Oct 12, 2023
Tadashi is merely pointing out that magic has limits, and a spell won't allow someone to lose weight without any effort. He's not being negative. Real magic doesn't work the way it's depicted in fiction. I suggest learning about how magic actually works.

Oct 13, 2023
I never said this spell would not work. I said it would help with setting intention, then added a fact about Magik. You cannot say some words and wake up the next day several sizes smaller with zero effort. Weight loss spells help you form habits. Also ''You are always negative energy around you'' is not a proper sentence. Are you claiming I am surrounded by negativity? Because, no, I am not. I am stating facts and people are taking offense to them. If you are claiming I have a build-up of negative energy, that is also incorrect. Outside of this one site, my life is pretty positive. It is merely others perception of me which is negative, but you cannot be liked by everyone, and that is okay.

Oct 13, 2023
Tadashi was trying to help people who don't know how weight loss spells work. He wasn't being negative, he even said the spell could work [this could help you set your intentions]

Has anyone tried this? And if so does it work?

I have just followed instructions to lose 40 pounds to lose weight which I have repeated 3 times. How long will I see results

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