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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Biokinesis
With this method of biokinesis, you can change anything you want about yourself. Examples include: height, eye color, hair color, skin color, skin texture, hair texture, gender, eye sight, make you immortal, become black, white, or tan. You can reverse this by telling it what you had in the first place.

Casting Instructions for 'Biokinesis'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

First get into a meditative state. Then make a needle with your psi energy really thin and sharp. Then imagine your genes running through separate tubes. Tell the needle what to with your mind like change my gender to a girl. The needle then should go to a tube and poke into it. Once the needle has made a hole, close up the hole with psi otherwise you will lose part of your character. Then wait until the needle evaporates into the tube, and then exit your meditative state. Go around thinking what you would change like "I am a woman" or something. When you get really good at this you will see immediate change.


Added to on Oct 08, 2012
Last edited on Jan 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Any tips in the art of biokinesis

/pm [Matt99hi]hi

Can I use this to give myself abs and muscles and can I change absolutely anything I want about my body

Feb 18, 2020
No. This is not true magic. It is fantasy. If you want abs and muscles join a gym and work for them

Magic does not create instant dramatic physical changes. You can dye your hair or wear contacts to change your eye colour, you cannot change these things with Real Magic.

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