Become Demi-God

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become Demi-God
This will turn you into a demigod.

Casting Instructions for 'Become Demi-God'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Pick the God you want to be your or mother/dad. However do not pick Athena, Hestia, or Artemis. They all virgin goddesses. Pray to this God you picked right before doing your spell.

First you need to say "I pray for you in need turn me into a demigod  and make me your son. (God name) I wish to have some of your powers. I beg of you, Dad, to send me your blood and make me into a demigod". Say it ten times for sure.


Added to on Oct 30, 2012
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Is there one for females

Jan 30, 2019
We cannot become a deity with magick, that simply isn't how it works.

A demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal. You're either born one or you're not one

i said it,no spell works here

Jan 28, 2020
it depends on the spell. the majority on this site go to the ''cool'' sounding spells [become a god, become a werewolf, become a hedgehog] but the reality of magick is, it doesn't contradict nature. the ''boring'' spells are the working spells [light a candle for love, drink herbal tea for money, wear a charm for protection]

Aug 09, 2021
Mostly only the, Become a neko or dragon or soemthing. And also the become invisible or stronger. You of course can do a spell to be less noticed but not invisible.

Aug 21, 2021
Actually, some of them work, depending on the spell. Most appearance spells don't change your appearance, they could make you appear at first glance to have changed according to your desire, but it isn't a permanent change. (If they take a closer look at you, you'll look the same as you always have, and the victim will just see it as their eyes playing tricks on them). All spells which let you 'become' a person/animal/being are fake, because that isn't how magick works, and any spells that allow you to control nature (which is impossible because magick cannot contradict nature, let alone control it), but if you keep looking, you might find some pretty cool spells (which work)!

You cannot become a demi-god.

You cannot become a demigod with real magick.

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