Massage to Cleanse the Chakras

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Massage to Cleanse the Chakras
Like any other bodily system, stress and negative energy can cause “blockages” in our primary energy channel. When these blockages persist, they can cause spiritual depression in the areas the particular chakra is associated with. A simple way to keep your chakras cleansed is by receiving a thorough chakra massage.

Casting Instructions for 'Massage to Cleanse the Chakras'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Organic massage oil
  • 7 white candles
  • Sage incense
  • White cloth
  • Twine
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Organic massage oil
  • 7 white candles
  • Sage incense
  • White cloth
  • Twine

Set up the seven white candles decoratively around the bed, couch, etc. where you will be administering the massage. Light them in a clockwise rotation. Light the sage incense.

Be seated across from the recipient of your massage. Center yourself. Straighten your back, relax your shoulders and cross your legs by tucking your ankles under your calves. Instruct your partner to do the same. Place your palms to theirs.

Recite the following incantation simultaneously: "AUM (pronounced OOOOHM)". Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your nostrils, and direct the stream of air to the point between your eyebrows. Do the recitation three times.

Trace a pentagram on their forehead with your power hand’s pointer finger. Have your partner lie face down on the bed, couch, etc. Straddle the bend of their legs. Apply massage oil liberally to their shoulders and rub it in.

Start massaging from the base of the tailbone, where the root chakra is located on the spine. Start by gently rolling your thumbs in circles on either side of the tailbone. Then, compress your knuckles against their back and repeat the gesture with a wider berth. Start working your way up the spine slowly. Repeat the cycle when you’ve reached each subsequent chakra.

When you reach the bottom of the lumbar curve (the L5 and L4 vertebrae), you’ve reached the sacral chakra. When you reach the top of the lumbar curve (the L2 and L1 vertebrae), you’ve reached the solar plexus chakra. When you reach the center of the thoracic curve (the Th7 vertebrae), you’ve reached the heart chakra. When you reach the bottom of the cervical curve (the C7 and C6 vertebrae), you’ve reached the throat chakra. When you reach the back of the head, you’ve reached the third eye chakra. When you reach the top of the head, you’ve reached the crown chakra.

Conclude the massage by instructing your partner to stretch. When the massage is complete, snuff out the candles one by one in a clockwise rotation. Wrap the candle remains in your white cloth, tie the bundle shut with three loops of twine, then bury the bundle in nature, thereby burying the stress they've helped release.


Added to on Nov 10, 2012
Last edited on Jan 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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