Bless a Spirit

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Bless a Spirit
This spell will bless someones spirit if cast right.

Casting Instructions for 'Bless a Spirit'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Holy water
  • 2 crosses
  • Alter(optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Holy water
  • 2 crosses
  • Alter(optional)

Have the persone you are going to bless take his or her shirt off. if it's a girl have her take her bra off(Have another women do this spell if you are blessing a women. Or have the guy swear not to touch her inapropritly and swear on secrecy.) Have the person then liedown on a bed or couch. Now have them close their eyes and breath in through their nose and out through their mouth. Prepair the holy water
on a alter if you like.Pour some water in a container and place a cross in the middle of the container under the water. Now say the incantation:


"God is my faith,
god is my light.
His city is my heaven,
his city is my might.
May he bless this water and change wrong to right."


Now go back to your friend with the water(on the alter) and place it on the table. Place the second cross wear the ribs part. Now dip your right index finger into the water, then place it upon her head. Draw a circle with the water. while doing this, chant:


"May god protect your mind."


Now dip the same finger into the water when you are done and then set it upon your friends heart, now make the cross shap again. Chant:


"May go protect your heart,"


as you draw the cross. Now dip your hands into the water then set them upon his/her shoulders.


Now chant:


"Gulia waise medh ono, atra du evainya ono varda. God bless your soul. the soul is now blessed."


Prounotion and Tranlation for last chant:


"Gooleea ways med ono, atra du evan in ya ono varda.
Luck be with you, may the stars watch over you."


Hope you enjoy doing the spell. message me if there are any problems.


Added to on Mar 14, 2013
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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If you believe in the Christian God, this should work. I question why they need to remove their shirt and bra. I have preformed similar blessings at the start of many rituals. You can draw the symbol on the shirt over the heart and it works the same. Heck, while I have had priests/priestesses preform the blessing, it is far more common to dip your finger in the blessed water and draw the symbols. So, I do not see why you cannot preform this alone on yourself.

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