Patience Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Patience Spell
This is my first spell and I'm excited to share it with you all! If so I would love to get feedback! Blessed Be!

Casting Instructions for 'Patience Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your voice
  • Concentration
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your voice
  • Concentration
My spirit has rage for all to see,
Let it all be banished from me.
As I say these words tonight,
Rage and anger shall leave my sight.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire,
I mold thy power to my desire.
Let my fire be doused by pure water,
and my spirit as sweet as a preachers daughter.
May these words ring through my mind
Until the very end of time.
By the power of 3 times 3,
As I wish it so mote it be.


Added to on Mar 24, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This might help as an affirmation, but just saying ''stay calm'' is not a spell.

Apr 07, 2022
Saying ''stay calm'' in the Filipino language is a spell.

Apr 08, 2022
A spell requires energy and focus for it to work. You need to charge, or in this case ground, your energy, you need to center yourself in the present, you need to calm yourself, imagine your desired outcome, and when you say the chant, you are releasing your desire to the universe. If you are angry and go ''I'm calm'' without doing anything else to enter that state, it is not a spell. It is stating what you want. It might work for some people if they use a phrase like an affirmation, but it is not a spell.

This is one of hardest spells I've seen. I don't think I'm at the level to successfully complete it. Maybe in another month I'll try again. I wonder if it can backfire if one is not at the right level to complete a spell maybe it can produce the opposite of the intended effect.

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