To Spread Cancer

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► To Spread Cancer
This spell actually does work so be careful when you are performing it. ALWAYS make sure that this is a spell you want to do and the person really does deserve it. Be aware of the rule of three. This is a curse.

Casting Instructions for 'To Spread Cancer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • concentration
  • focus
  • clear mind
  • anger
  • power
  • black candles (optional)
  • yellow candle (optional)
  • picture of the person you want to curse (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • concentration
  • focus
  • clear mind
  • anger
  • power
  • black candles (optional)
  • yellow candle (optional)
  • picture of the person you want to curse (optional)
Concentrate on the words of this spell and clear your mind. It would be beneficial to meditate before performing this spell. If you are using candles and a picture then light the yellow candle first for illness and then black for cursing and disease. Set the candles on each sides of the picture (your intended). If not using a picture or candles just continue with a clear focused mind. Imagine and visualize the illness taking over this persons body, spreading, causing them to become ill, entering their body, and spreading throughout their body. Focus on the person becoming sick and the color red. Feel the anger, power, and energy in your spell this person has caused you. Release all of that hatred and anger in your powers for this spell while you are focusing on making this person ill. Next, have a clear focal image of the persons face and eyes. Hover your left hand over the chant releasing power. Chant:
''Cancer rise, cancer spread, through the body of (intended persons full name). Cancer intoxicate with poison through his/her veins, to seek revenge for the backstabbing, pain, lies, betrayal, and deceit. Cancer cells reproduct faster and faster spread. Kill (intended persons full name) him/her slowly taking over (intended persons full name)'s body for the wrong he/she has done. As I will it, so mote it be!''
When you are finished snuff out the candles. DO NOT blow them out.
***WARNING***Be absolutely certain that you want to perform this spell and it is for the right reasons only. After I performed this spell the person I cast it upon DID get cancer as did someone close to her also. This is a very powerful spell and it does work. Keep in mind the rule of three!


Added to on May 18, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I'm glad to say this is fake! And this is just cruel anyways!

So, as uncomfortable as this is, it is plausible. This specific spell probably will not work, but if someone is already sick and you focus your hatred towards them while visualizing their sickness spreading, you could make them worse. I would add to the spell with specific herbs and other items indented to harm. I would also blow out the candle, as it would symbolize the persons life. That said, if you think you want to try and give someone cancer, I would sit with that and contemplate why you would wish that on anyone. Even if they did you wrong, why do you feel you are justified to toy with life.

I'm just wondering why you'd want to spread cancer? My friend is fighting cancer, and trust me, I'd do anything to rid her of her pain. As far as I'm concerned I see no circumstance where I'd feel it was okay to give someone cancer. It's way more serious than I think you understand. I know at least two people who have passed away due to cancer, and I don't understand how you could live with the guilt that if the victim you cast on died, it would be because of you. No one deserves to have cancer, no matter what wrong-doings they've committed, because no one's perfect, and we all make mistakes. I suggest researching what cancer can do to a person, and really think about what harm you're about to inflict on a person. I beg you with all my heart not to perform this spell, but it is your choice, and I can't force you to not do this spell.

Sep 20, 2021
I totally understand where you are coming from, however, how would you feel if you found out that the person you thought you loved manipulated you and lied about having cancer so you wouldn't leave ... While I still wouldn't do this kind of spell, I do think any anyone who lies about have cancer to manipulate someone should actually get cancer as punishment for the hurt it caused and retribution to those who actually did go through the horrible pain it causes.

Sep 21, 2021
Well, I would be hurt, and mad at first, but I still wouldn't wish that upon them.

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