Conjuring the Mermaid Within You

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Conjuring the Mermaid Within You
This spell is to make you a mermaid. Not everyone gets a tail,though,they just get the ability to breathe under water,swim like a mermaid/merman and to have the mermaid/merman's instinct.

Casting Instructions for 'Conjuring the Mermaid Within You'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 towels
  • Some shells (the number of shells is your lucky number)
  • Any 2 products for your hair,body,or skin
  • 1 jar (any size)
  • Water
  • Herb (any herb that you want)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 towels
  • Some shells (the number of shells is your lucky number)
  • Any 2 products for your hair,body,or skin
  • 1 jar (any size)
  • Water
  • Herb (any herb that you want)

First,you lay the towels down.Through the spell, just think "i wish to be a mermaid/merman" Next, lay your shells down on the towels in a pattern you desire. Put the products for your body on the towel. Now if you are left handed,put it on the left,same for right handed.

Next you need to get the jar and put the herbs and water in it. Place the jar in the middle of the pattern. Put 1 drop of each product on the shells you feel are most special, then one of each in the jar.

Chant "Make me a mermaid to swim with the fish, let this me my one and only wish, to breathe under water, swim and have instinct, twice I will not have to think" Then, take a bath and pour the stuff in the jar in then when you are done,use the same towels from the spell to dry off with and lay all the shells on a windowsill.


Added to on Jun 15, 2013
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot breathe under water, you are human, no spell will change that.

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