Elements Wings Potion

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Elements Wings Potion
A potion to get wings. Mail me with any results or questions.

Casting Instructions for 'Elements Wings Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Symbol
  • Salt
  • Downy feather
  • Primary feather
  • Ashes
  • Rain water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Symbol
  • Salt
  • Downy feather
  • Primary feather
  • Ashes
  • Rain water
1. Place element items in pot filled quarter way with water. Say:

Earth, you bind my to the ground
Please give me a place to rest
Water, you are the blood in my veins
Please let my wings be unaffected by you
Fire, you are the warmth in my body
Please give me thermals to fly on
Air, you are my every breath
Please grant me wings of your birds
I ask all of the goddess's elements to work as one
Give me wings that I dream of
Let me fly, day and night
Help me so I can help more people
Give me wings to fly

2. Boil water then place primary feather on top of water

3. Wait until all ingredients evaporate or disintegrate except symbol and feathers

4. Dry primary feather (blow drier)

5. Fill perfume bottle with potion

6. Make necklace with primary feather and symbol bracelet

7. Wear symbol until getting wings

8. Wear feather forever


Added to on Jul 07, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow physical wings.

Jun 17, 2020
not physically no but spiritually yes

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