Become the ''Dream You''

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become the ''Dream You''
This spell can turn any boy or girl into their dream-like form :D

Casting Instructions for 'Become the ''Dream You'''

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mirror
  • TONS of belief
  • Other than that, you need nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mirror
  • TONS of belief
  • Other than that, you need nothing
1) Chant (while looking in the mirror):
Make me look like the Dream Me,
Make me beautiful/handsome,
So mote it be!
2) Then, meditate and visualize yourself as the Dream You (make sure to picture EVERY DETAIL, the hair and all).
3) Results may vary depending on the person. Sometimes it'll take a few days, a month or two, or even a year...
I will create a reverse spell in case you get tired of looking this way or getting envied by others.
Blessed be!


Added to on Jul 10, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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it actually works,thank you for this spell 💗💗💗💗!(^^)!

Basically you just stay mentally focused on one thing, stay confident that it WILL happen and eventually it does. Yeah I can say this spell works. Though depending on your magick affinity you may want to replace the mirror with a spell circle, or candles, or incense.

Jun 30, 2019

Jul 12, 2019
Ghostrick, I agree with you. I always tell myself that as long as I put mind to it, anything is possible.

Sep 23, 2019
well, it literally says that you need a mirror, so maybe use the other options to help with this spell but in the end, a mirror is still required to do this spell

Its good to know that theres no negative comments on here saying that this doesn't work, and then nag about how magic is properly used! no offence to anyone who does that... unless you are just wanting to try to be rude.

Sep 23, 2019
There wouldn't be because this works, you are using visualization to motivate you, and sending your desire out into the universe to achieve said goal. [What wouldn't work is if you were to instantly physically transform. If this claimed that happened, then you would have people explaining magick] this works with the law of attraction to being a change, which is magick in a nut shell

Does it work I haven't tried it yet.

Apr 10, 2020
According to all the comments, yes

This is like the subliminal community, you have to keep your desire firm in your mind.

This could set intention. This could also cast a glamour so people see you a certain way. This will not physically change you.

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