Indigo Wings Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Indigo Wings Spell
*All spells I create are designed for indigos, and I am one myself. I am not responsible your stupid actions regarding this spell.* Spell for wings. I believe it to be quite powerful.

Casting Instructions for 'Indigo Wings Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A windy night
  • Candles to represent the elements
  • Salt (For the circle, optional)
  • Feather (Specifically what you want your wings to be. Must be a real feather. Natural or dyed. This is also optional, only if you can vividly visualize your wings.)
  • Voice
  • Will
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A windy night
  • Candles to represent the elements
  • Salt (For the circle, optional)
  • Feather (Specifically what you want your wings to be. Must be a real feather. Natural or dyed. This is also optional, only if you can vividly visualize your wings.)
  • Voice
  • Will
  • Belief
Recite as follows three times, and try not to mess up:

Powers of light and powers of dark, grant my wish, allow wings to sprout from my back.

-Wings of strength, carry we where ever I need to be.

-Wings of night, be as swift as the dancing shadows.

-Wings of gentleness, may thee fly gracefully like the winds of Earth

-Wings of pain, burst from my back and be a reminder of my mortality.

I beg and plead for my wings. May my feathers be (like an [insert feathered creature here.]'s)([Or] of the color [Insert color here.]). The wings will burst in a small size and grow to full in (Insert number) days/weeks/months. This is my wish, my dream. So mote it be.


Added to on Jul 19, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow physical wings with Real Magic.

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