Eat Less

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Eat Less
This is a spell that's not really magickal at all but does work: it brings your attention to your eating so that you will not mindlessly eat all of the Reese's cups in the fridge.

Casting Instructions for 'Eat Less'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your own fridge and cupboards
  • A piece of red or white paper for each door (on the fridge or cupboard)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your own fridge and cupboards
  • A piece of red or white paper for each door (on the fridge or cupboard)

On each piece of paper, draw the pentacle, the cross, om, or whatever symbol resonates with you. 

In a circular pattern around the symbol, write this:

"Refridgerater stay invisible to me, (or cupboard)

A smaller number I hope to see,

This is my will, so mote it be. "

When you see the refridgerater, your will becomes clear to you, and you are more likely to rexamine your eating. 


Added to on Jul 21, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I think you might wish to clean your cupboard/fridge out of junk food and writing something more helpful, like 'am I hungry or thirsty' or 'am I just board' or even 'enjoy an apple for a snack' you may be able to cast a spell to make you walk past the cupboard a few times, eventually you will need to eat, so why not remove the temptations?

this is actually also phycology. by telling yourself 'oh hey wait im not eating remember' and throwing magic with it it just. cool. it seems like a nice spell for if your not closeted in your practice.

In theory, this could work. What would help more is to remove unhealthy foods, replace them with healthy food you enjoy, and find the root cause of your unhealthy food habits. If you simply wish to get healthy, you do not need to go to such extremes because limiting food will cause you to return to old habits.

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